America has undergone rapid change since the production of smart technology. Young Adults have been the brunt of many negative conversations about the leadership of our World in the future.

Our Young Leaders in Christ group relates biblical principles and passages to today's modern problems. We discuss what makes great Leaders great, and how to rise to be the support that our elders need.

- Doing everything excellently

- Making sure you surround yourself with the right people

- How to discover your strengths and God's calling

- How to be a standout employee or business owner that excels

- Where to cast your net for the best harvest

- Why tithing, the spirit of giving, and service to others is paramount

The Bible is the best business and success book ever written. Our goal is to become better Christians, better family members and spouses, better Church members, and better examples to the World.

Join us at Highland Park Baptist Church every Sunday morning at 9:45 CST located at 1800 Highland Ave Columbia, TN 38401.

For prayer requests, email us!